Harvey Carey
Harvey Carey is the founding Senior Pastor of Faith Citadel Church in Detroit, MI. He has been in full time ministry for over three decades. After a life-changing conversion on the college campus of Northwestern University, Harvey accepted Christ and accepted the call to full-time ministry. After matriculating in Dallas, TX, Harvey returned to Chicago where he served as both youth pastor and assistant pastor at the Salem Baptist Church of Chicago one of the largest congregations in the U.S. The youth ministry became one known for innovative worship and cutting-edge evangelism and has been used as a template for many youth ministries both domestically and internationally.
In 2003, Harvey, his wife, Nancy and only child, Tiffany, left their home in Chicago and went to plant a church in the heart of Detroit, MI. Faith Citadel has become a multicultural, intergenerational community of faith committed to both relevant ministry and outreach to Detroit and beyond.
Harvey is passionate about the preaching, teaching and sharing God’s Word. Committed to equipping the body of Christ to “do the work of ministry” propels Pastor Carey to preach, teach, train and equip believers globally to become all that God has called them to be!